Travel stories & photos interrupted with random thoughts about life experiences radiating out of Raleigh, NC.
October 29, 2008
Give me one good reason to vote for McCain/Palin. Someone. Anyone. Just one.

October 13, 2008
Getting Back to Nature - Camping in Great Smoky Mountains
I've been in North Carolina for 18 years sporadically exploring many different pockets of this diverse state. The mountains are an area I've wanted to see more of. So when my brother was planning a family camping trip, I tagged along. Destination: Great Smoky Mountains, Elkmont Campground (technically in TN, barely). Knowing the dynamics of the trip would be tailored to the kids, I grabbed the dog (Little Mo) and we ventured out a night early to literately unplug from everything in Raleigh. No phones, no email, no TV (missed the 1st 2 ALCS Red Sox games!), no showers, no hot water. What they do have is wildlife. The campground had ample warning signs and precautions posted regarding bears. Bears. Yes, this is black bear country. All food, anything with a remotely edible scent, must be left locked in the car. We arrived Wed night, after a long drive through the rain. Fortunately the rain stopped just before I arrived. While setting up camp, Little Mo focused on woods and let out a few low growls. We took a walk to investigate; found nothing. But the kids in a nearby site informed me (in a thick Kentucky hills accent) "There was a coyote in your campsite." Nice. We dined on hot dogs & beans around a camp fire, purged the site of food and crawled into the tent.
Several hours later, I hear a "Ummmf" sound. Is Little Mo dreaming again? No - I see her sitting at full attention, ears up, facing the outside of the tent. I hear it again. "Ummmf". A deep snorting sound. "UMMMF", it is getting louder - and closer. Raccoon?, not a chance. Coyote? No way. I've never heard a bear before, let alone run into one in the wild, but I was 99% sure this was a bear. And it is close, getting closer. Not knowing if this was a 75 lb curious yearling or 400 lb hungry male, I wasn't about to go outside and verify. Little Mo let out a few low growls of her own. Not sure if this would interest or deter the bear, I decided it would be best if we were quiet and still. Fortunately Little Mo was. Fortunately the bear moved on, eventually. After another 15 minutes or so of snorting around the area. The next day some fresh bear dung confirmed it's presence - yes aside from scaring the crap out of me, that bear crapped in my campsite!
So rest of the weekend we kept hoping to see a bear (preferably from the car). Finally, on Saturday after a day trip over to Clingman's Dome as we approached the campground, I spotted a bear in a spot where Little Mo and I walked through a couple days ago. Lighting was poor, but the camera was ready & I captured a few pictures, along with many of the beautiful vistas and foliage.
Black Bear sighting! Little Mo - on bear watch
Little River Touring Cades Cove
September 6, 2008
August 8, 2008
Who's on first? A Mitt Romney Topps baseball card??
Well no Sox cards and no gum! What happened to that stale pink chipboard they passed off as gum?
At least Mitt was governor of Massachusetts. I would rather have found an Obama card.
Update: Aug 2012 - Well if he wins this year, maybe the value of this card will increase.
July 2, 2008
J is for June (& July). J is for Jimmy [Part 2]
And a lot of free time for the 1st few weeks of the month was devoted to another Jimmy - Jimmy V, specifically the Jimmy V Junior Celebrity Golf Classic. For the past couple years I've been part of the core dozen or so people that coordinate the event. All our hard work resulted in 72 children golfing with 18 local celebrities (plus Lorenzo Charles) supported by another ~150 volunteers and generous sponsors that help us raise funds (estimated $50,000) for pediatric cancer research.

I gotta credit the sponsors for bringing in the funds, but a special shout out goes to all the volunteers from Larry, our Tournament Director, to the die-hard Standard Bearers. Sunday June 22 we overtook a bowling alley for the "Pairings Party" (catered by Moe's) where golf group pairings were announced and an auction raised additional funds (I was tempted - and won - some Red Sox memorabilia featuring Jason Varitek). On Monday volunteers started arriving at the course at 6am. The volunteers were, as usual, awesome. Random needs always crop up. Every time something needed attention, there was a volunteer (or 2) nearby ready & willing to jump in assist. And working with fellow enthusiastic volunteers for a good cause keeps me coming back.
Speaking of coming back, the main event, the "Big V" - the Jimmy V Celebrity Golf Classic in historic Pinehurst, NC is on the horizon. I'll be there - August 9th & 10th.
June 8, 2008
J is for June. J is for Jimmy [Part 1]
The show was excellent. It was my 14½th live Buffett concert (and counting), the 1st for both T & her daughter (a happy belated 21st bday!) and 2nd for her buddy Cameron (for a 21 yro, I was very impressed w/ his Buffett knowledge - but he's still trying to figure out what kind of cheese goes on a Cheeseburger in Paradise).
The set list was a great. Jimmy is starting to show is age - a little (but still going strong) - on several songs members of the band took the lead on vocals, including USS Zydecoldsmobile, Makin’ Music For Money and a personal favorite, The City. The ode to Bob Dylan with Rainy Day Women was a surprise. The common Buffett concert cover of Brown Eyed Girl was in the mix, along with most of the fan favorites (Cheeseburger, One Particular Harbor, SofSofSailor, Volcano & of course Maragritaville). The video monitors displayed footage of JB's recent trips to the Far Side of the World (Thailand, Cambodia) which was neat. Fins was part of the encore and is always a sight to see live. The autobiographical School Boy Heart was a pleasant surprise. JB updated and personalized Fruitcakes for NC and closed out the set most appropriately with another favorite from the License To Chill album, the romantic Coast of Carolina.
In summary seeing Jimmy on stage with his regulars (Mike Utley, Mac, the chick w/ the long blonde hair) felt like a reunion with old friends. I hope I get to do it again some day.
Jimmy Buffett - Thanks for stopping in Raleigh, NC!
P.S. There are photos of the event - if I get my hands on them, I'll share a few select shots. :)
May 12, 2008
Bikes, Hikes and the Gas Tax
Speaking of gas money, what's the deal with this summer gas tax break that McCain and Hillary are pushing? This is so backwards. I ran across a great article in Newsweek that succinctly sums it up. Read it now.
Bonus photo:
Sunset view out our villa window on our last night at Il Cantico della Natura
April 14, 2008
We came, We saw, We conquered - Rome!
Veni, Vedi, Vici - something from those HS Latin classes finally paid off!
We plowed through as much of Rome as we could in 2 full days, saw most major sites & a little local flavor.
Legs are tired, feet are sore, and my hand is literately cramping from holding the camera so much!
Time to catch the plane home. Need to grab taxi to train station in like 20 min, so being brief.
Looking forward to returning home to the dog (hope she remembers me!), soft bread, green beans, Mountain Dew, bagels, baseball scores and kicking my feet up in the ottoman and doing nothing for a few hours.
Wish we had more time in Rome too.
Will post more photos in a day or two.
- Mark
April 13, 2008
Two Hour Tour of Perugia, Italy
Wish we had more time!
April 11, 2008
Travel Log: Vacation from Vacation - il Cantico della Natura - in Umbria
We've scaled the Swiss Alps, visited the Milano Duomo, rode a gondola through canals in Venice, saw "The David" in Florence. It was time for a vacation from the vacation.
Our train pulled into the little town of Magione & we barely made it off (I think we were the only people deboarding). Rain was picking up & we sought shelter in the little very-local cafe at the station. Soon our host, Frencesco arrived to carry us up the hillside through the tiny village of Monte Sperello to our destination - Il Cantico della Natura. In heavy rain we wedged our luggage out of the tiny car into the warm hospitable confines of the villa dining hall.
This place was picture perfect & exceeded expectations - already set high by the web site. Since the restaurant was closed and we didn't have a car, Frencesco prepared us a spread of local sliced meat, cheese & wine (best wine on the trip, so far - a couple bottles will hopefully make it home). Tee enjoyed the large "slipper" tub on a cold rainy night before enjoying a good night sleep.
In the morning we found the entrance to the dining room blocked by "guardians of the breakfast lair" - 3 sleeping puppies!
Rain was in the forecast Wed & more so on Thu, so we nixxed biking plans and after a huge breakfast spread hiked up the hill, along the ridge, explored an abandoned very dilapidated dwelling overgrown with vegetation, and traversed down the back side and into the little village of Monte Melino. This village had everything it needed, small [private] castle, 1 building housing a few families, large villa w/ mean dogs, taverna, olive orchard, and beautiful church. No more, no less (well, there was a timely placed public WC!). A local elder invited us to visit the church. The hike back UP the hill (and through the village of Monte Sperello) prepared us for dinner - which was awesome (not sure what it all was, since the fixed menu was in Italian, but all was good).
Thursday - Definitely a day off. We caught up on email, explored the grounds, napped. I took a run down the hill and weaved over to large abandoned villa which intrigued me - it was viewable from our room. I found it, ventured inside, then ran (ok, walked a lot) back up to get ready for dinner.
Both Wed & Thu called for rain, but we never felt a drop, so no complaints!
So much to say about this wonderful place, definitely wish we had more time. See later posts for photos.
Florence, Italy
A few hours earlier we checked out of perhaps the "shortest" room I've ever stayed in and just walked into the "tallest". The ceilings of Room 30 were nearing 20' with a long window over looking the street below. I'd describe the walls as a fresco red, with old stone steps leading to a mirror on a wall long ago sealed off. We walked down to the hotel from the train station; it was late (~11pm) but we had enough energy to zip downstairs (94 steps, thankfully they had a SMALL lift, barely big enough for 2) and grab some late-night gelato at the Ponte Vecchio (bridge) - best gelato of the trip, so far.
Rain was in the forecast for Tuesday, so Monday was focused on outside activities. We started with a hike up to an overlook. En route stopped at a local grocer to stock up on bananas & H2O and stumbled into a quaint "paper shop". Florence was filled with these ancient paper & leather shops, as well as lots of gold/silver shops (especially on the Ponte Vecchio), and T managed to find some nice leather boots.The lookout contained a large (nearly full size) replica of The David & beautiful views of the river, bridges and churches (including the iconic Duomo of Florence). Venturing further up we found a large monastery (got to go inside) and captured many photos, of course. On the way back down the hill we spent .6 euro for a much needed WC stop! Winding through the streets we ventured into the Palazzo Vecchico Piazza, home of Neptune fountain, another David (on the spot the original was located; it was moved many years ago after someone tossed a bench out the window and broke his arm) and numerous other statues (including a bronze depicting the slaying of Medusa) and the likes of da Vinci & friends in the Uffizi courtyard.
Dinner was awesome, T ordered the best risotto we've ever had. I've noticed a trend at Italian restaurants - pasta dishes are superb, while second courses (meat dishes) are great, but not quite as good as the pasta (or anti-pasta, which would preceed the pasta, of course). After dinner we walked deeper into the local district to take in a piano recital in an old neglected church. The audience numbered merely two dozen. It was an enjoying & relaxing way to wrap up the evening. Our final day was a rush through the final "must-see" sights on our list - Galleio's finger & telescopes in the Science Museum and, of course, "The David", which was well worth it, and some turbo shopping before we were back on the train station in route to the little town of Magione in Umbria region.
Originally I was going to skip a stop in Florence, but glad we made it - and wish we had more time. Thanks for talking me into it T! Sample more photos (most taken by T).
April 10, 2008
Venice, Italy
The water bus from the train station (there are no cars in Venice - zilch, boats are the only form of transportation) dropped us off by the Rialto bridge (which is wide enough to hold 2 rows of shops). Traversing the bridge w/ luggage through the crowd was a sight. A left, a right and to the end of a little alley, we found our tiny B&B. Up a long staircase we arrived at the front door.
Up another long staircase to the owner's flat. Then up another staircase to our room, which is basically a renovated attic - very well renovated - we liked this room better than the 4-star hotel in Milan (Milan was more like an average 2-star joint - it did not live up to the web site billing). The Venice room was perfect for our 1 night stint (just watch your head).
Spent a few minutes settling in, then hit the streets.
Sunday morning began with the obligitory (and recommended) gondola ride, our gondalier pointed out several sites (many we saw by land/bridge yesterday), including Marco Polo's home during his Venice stay. We enjoyed seeing the locals hanging laundry out to dry above the canals. Remainder of the day was filled with a boat ride to Murano (famous glass factories & lunch; both underwhelming IMHO), an impromtu stop at San Michele Cemetery island, tour of The Doge's Palace back at St. Mark's Square and cruise back up the Grand Canal to pick up luggage (over the Rialto Bridge again) and back to the train station (with wallet secure).
Next stop - Florence.
April 5, 2008
Ciao Milano
Enroute to Venice now, view from the train window includes the alps again :)
Some Milan photos:
April 3, 2008
Greetings From Milan, Italy - Final Switzerland thoughts & photos
Apr 2, 2008: From Switzerland to Milan Italy
Tee and I arrived (via train) in Milan, Italy at noon Tuesday and immediately ran into several of my co-workers at the hotel. We all enjoyed authentic Italian pizza on the canal (Milan has a couple canals). My work activities just wrapped up after 2+ days of meetings & presentations with colleagues from around the world. It is a unique pleasure to sit down at dinner in Italy with folks from Finland, Greece, South Africa, Canada, Romania, Japan, Switzerland, Denmark, Netherlands and a dozen more countries. With work wrapped up, I can start to see some of Milan before we head to Venice.But first, some more on Switzerland - despite gray skies & light rain, we enjoyed our final full day in Switzerland (Mon, 3/31/08) with a short train ride to Thun (pronounced "tune") for a tour of the local castle & shops. We finally took in some of Interlaken at dinner time - and ate Italian! (sorry Ted Farr, we didn't find the Hooters). Definitely glad we did not stay in Interlaken, it is nice, but touristy. Wilderswil was much more our speed. A few Switzerland photos...
Grindelwald Alps |
Thun, CH castle |
March 30, 2008
2 Planes, 4 Trains, 4440 miles, plus 1km
Mar 30, 2008: Wilderswil, Switzerland
Our Swiss/Italian Adventure Begins
Surprising views from train rides include: graffiti (lots of it), buffalo & tee-pees! Took a short hike and ran into a bunch of llamas. Rain tomorrow...
>Lugging luggage the final km |
March 27, 2008
Departure Countdown
Got the dog's stuff packed for her extended field trip across town, got Buffett & Rick Steve's audio tours loaded in the iPod, camera ready, German & Italian phrase books, Clif bars, maps ...crap missing some maps! What did we do before Google Maps & MapQuest?!?! Gotta run ... will post more from the road.
March 25, 2008
Welcome to "15 Short Beach Road"
I'm about to embark on my longest & furthest journey to-date.
In a few days I'm heading to Milan, Italy for business, but unlike my first brief (but fantastic) business trip to Heidelberg, Germany, I'm doing it "right" this time and adding a slew of personal time to travel through the area.
Tee, my girlfriend, is joining me and we've been planning 18 days abroad over the past 4 weeks. I'd recommend planning a trip like this a little earlier than we did! Needless to say, we've been busy, and there is still a lot to do. The plane takes off Friday afternoon, 1st destination: Zurich.
Hopefully I'll have some time to share a few updates before we leave, while on the road and when we get back.
Stay tuned!